Autumn Surf Camp (October)
Hi Parents!
HKSL offer 3 days Autumn Surf Camp to Kids aged from 7-14yrs at beautiful Lower Cheung Sha Beach, Lantau????!
Daily pick up and drop off at Central Pier no.6!
This is a camp focusing mainly on SURFING!
Suitable for no experience/ beginner/ improver kids!
We aim to cultivate students’ interest in surfing and improve their surfing skills and techniques!
We spend almost all the time in the water & by the beach!
This Camp is ran by professional and experienced ISA (International Surfing Association)Surf & SUP & SUP Surf Coaches, we make sure the camp is safe and fun!
The coaches will give out individual comments and adjust the lesson plan according to the wave condition and individual/group progress.
Register with us now!! Limited spots only!
Please let us know if you would like a detailed information pack (PDF).
We also have 1.5 hours lesson for kids & adults everyday upon booking, contact us for details and price list.
Whatsapp/Signal: 61990904 Tio Ching
Wechat: tiotio910
E-mail: info@hongkongsurfinglesson.com